About Harrogate and Knaresborough Ukraine Support Network
This network brings together a range of partners who are working with Ukrainians displaced by the war and their host families. This website provides a range of information about activities and events, learning, skills and employment opportunities along with national and local information from first arrival to integration within our community.
These include social events, English lessons, health and well-being opportunities, links to volunteering and employment opportunities, information and advice on a wide range of relevant topics.
Chain Lane Community Hub is leading this diverse partnership. If you have any additional questions or would like to meet the team, please drop in to the office (9.00 am - 1.00 pm), give us a call on 01423 861066 or email us at info@chainlane.org and we will do our best to help you and/or point you in the right direction to our partners and other local services.
National Information
National information relating to rules and regulations for the national Homes for Ukraine scheme
Local Information
Information, support and advice local to the Harrogate district from when you arrive in the UK through to settling with your host families and accessing local services such as applying for school places, transport, universal credit applications, registering with a GP etc
Learning, Skills and Employment
Information about employment opportunities, volunteering, English lessons and other appropriate skills development
Activities and Events
Information about events and activities happening across the District and how to access them

National Information
National information relating to rules and regulations for the national Homes for Ukraine scheme

UPDATE on Ukraine Scheme
15:30 21/02/24
Changes to the Ukraine Schemes 19/02/24 • Existing Ukraine scheme guests can, in the last 3 months of their permission to stay in the UK, apply to a new permission extension which can grant an additional 18 months permission to stay in the UK. o For some, this could mean 4.5 years total stay in … Continued
UK Pension Guidance
15:27 21/02/24
The following guidance has been provided by Citizens Advice: Auto-Enrolment Workplace Pensions Workplace pensions are schemes that help to save money towards your retirement. Those who meet certain criteria while working here in the UK will be automatically enrolled into a workplace pension scheme. They are those that: • Are over the age of 22, … Continued

Applying for a biometric passport
13:28 25/07/22
Advice Information Links
What’s on your BRP Your BRP will include: your name, date and place of birth your fingerprints and a photo of your face (this is your biometric information) your immigration status and any conditions of your stay whether you can access public funds, for example benefits and health services You may have a National Insurance (NI) number printed on … Continued

Applying for a national insurance number
11:10 02/09/22
Advice Information Links
You can apply for a National Insurance number if you: live in the UK have the right to work in the UK are working, looking for work or have an offer to start work You can start work before you receive your National Insurance number if you can prove you have the right to work in the … Continued

Opening a Bank Account
11:40 02/09/22
Information Links
Opening a bank account Opening a UK bank or building society account if you are from Ukraine If you are new to the UK from Ukraine, you may want to open a UK bank or building society account to manage your day-to-day money. You can receive regular payments into your account, such as wages, benefits, … Continued

Financial Support
11:22 02/09/22
Advice Information Links
Ukrainians arriving in the UK as a result of the Russian invasion can access Universal Credit and jobs support immediately. Ukrainians are also eligible for Housing Benefit, Pension Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Child Disability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance, and Attendance Allowance. Contributions-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) are also available … Continued

Registering with a local GP (Doctor)
11:33 02/09/22
Advice Information Links
How to register with a GP surgery Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. It’s free to register. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number. You might be able to register with a GP surgery that’s not in the area you live. Find out about registering … Continued

How to apply for a school place
11:46 02/09/22
Advice Information Links
How to apply for a school place: Any families returning to or moving to the UK should speak to the local authority (often referred to as the council) school admission team in their chosen areas for information on how to apply for a school place. Local authorities should support parents in choosing schools, which includes … Continued

How to apply for childcare
11:50 02/09/22
Advice Eduction Information Links
How to apply for childcare Childcare Choices is a useful website to explain parents’ options: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/. For more information, parents can also speak to their local authority or go to https://www.gov.uk/get-childcare. Government funds early education entitlements (free hours of childcare) for parents of young children: All parents of 3- and 4-year-olds can access 15 free hours of … Continued

Driving in the UK
10:31 03/10/22
Advice Information
If you passed your driving test in any country outside of the EU/EEA you may only be able to drive on a valid driving licence for up to 12 months. This would be the case for most Ukrainians, as Ukraine is not in the EEA or EU. This means that if you arrive with a … Continued

Local Information
Information, support and advice local to the Harrogate district from when you arrive in the UK through to settling with your host families and accessing local services such as applying for school places, transport, universal credit applications, registering with a GP etc

Home contents insurance
15:32 21/02/24
If you have moved into your own home, or are thinking about doing so, it may be worth considering taking out contents insurance. This is insurance that will protect the contents of your new home against things such as fire, water leaks and burglary. Should something like this occur, and it is covered by your … Continued

Moving into your new home
11:13 04/04/23
What you need to know before moving into your new property: We have highlighted below the things you must consider when renting a property in the England, with further guidance on who to contact within the Harrogate District to set up payments. Exemptions If you are renting a room or in shared accommodation, your bills … Continued

Local Advice
09:28 03/10/22
Advice Information
Please contact the Homes for Ukraine Helpline run by Citizens Advice North Yorkshire Citizens Advice North Yorkshire has a dedicated helpline to support Ukrainian guests, as well as sponsors. Their telephone number is: 01757 600 365 and they have a voicemail facility. They are able to get interpreters upon request. This should be the first point … Continued

Local Social Media Support
10:53 03/10/22
Advice Events Information Links News
Knaresborough Friends Of Ukraine | Facebook This is a page where Sponsors, Ukrainians themselves and supporters can share information to help each other and share information specifically if you are living in the Knaresborough area Harrogate Friends of Ukraine | Facebook This is a page where Sponsors, Ukrainians themselves and supporters can share information … Continued

Community Food Support
09:56 03/10/22
Did you know that 30% of the UK’s food goes to waste? At the same time, many families are struggling to put food on the table. In the Harrogate district, research shows that one in five children are living in poverty – that means more than 5,700 children are growing up in a household that … Continued

Learning, Skills and Employment
Information about employment opportunities, volunteering, English lessons and other appropriate skills development

Updated resources
10:22 12/02/24
Events Information
You can find the details of the most up to date support available online: Ruth Hayman Trust – Providing educational grants to adults whose first language is not English. Ukraine hub | Migration Yorkshire – Resource hub for Ukrainians STEP Ukraine – Ukrainian v.3.jpg – Google Drive – Intense English Language … Continued

Financial Support with Driving Lessons
11:00 12/01/23
To help working-age adults living in North Yorkshire to get into paid employment or to remain in paid employment, the council will provide a payment towards the cost of driving lessons with a professional driving instructor. This applies to families arriving through the Homes for Ukraine Scheme The payment for driving lessons is in … Continued

A new English conversation class opportunity!
09:25 04/11/22
Eduction Information
Harrogate Library would like to hear from people interested in attending a English Language Conversation Group. It is an ideal place for people to practice their spoken English in a relaxed, informal setting. The conversation group that takes place on Monday mornings, 10.30am-11.30am If you would be interested in attending, please contact the library and leave your … Continued

Activities and Events
Information about events and activities happening across the District and how to access them

Summer Trips
11:25 19/10/23
Events Information
As part of our programme of activties, we provided 3 summer trips avaliable to the Ukrainian Community. These Trips were funded by harrogate District of Sactuary and we had over 40 Ukrainian people attend each. We visited Thorp Perrow, Fountains Abby and Whitby! These trips would not have been possible without the amazing community … Continued

Eurovision Fundraiser
11:44 18/10/23
Events Information
We worked in Partnership with Harrogate District of Sanctuary to throw our Ukrainian refugees and the community that supports them a Eurovision Party The party was located at the Majestic Hotel; featuring Nick Handcock from Your Harrogate who was our MC for the evening. The event was attended by 170 people and as part of the night we were … Continued