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Local Social Media Support

Knaresborough Friends Of Ukraine | Facebook  This is a page where Sponsors, Ukrainians themselves and supporters can share information to help each other and share information specifically if you are living in the Knaresborough area   Harrogate Friends of Ukraine | Facebook This is a page where Sponsors, Ukrainians themselves and supporters can share information … Continued

Applying for a biometric passport

What’s on your BRP Your BRP will include: your name, date and place of birth your fingerprints and a photo of your face (this is your biometric information) your immigration status and any conditions of your stay whether you can access public funds, for example benefits and health services You may have a National Insurance (NI) number printed on … Continued

Applying for a national insurance number

You can apply for a National Insurance number if you: live in the UK have the right to work in the UK are working, looking for work or have an offer to start work You can start work before you receive your National Insurance number if you can prove you have the right to work in the … Continued

Opening a Bank Account

Opening a bank account Opening a UK bank or building society account if you are from Ukraine If you are new to the UK from Ukraine, you may want to open a UK bank or building society account to manage your day-to-day money. You can receive regular payments into your account, such as wages, benefits, … Continued

Financial Support

Ukrainians arriving in the UK as a result of the Russian invasion can access Universal Credit and jobs support immediately. Ukrainians are also eligible for Housing Benefit, Pension Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Child Disability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance, and Attendance Allowance. Contributions-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) are also available … Continued

Registering with a local GP (Doctor)

How to register with a GP surgery Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. It’s free to register. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number. You might be able to register with a GP surgery that’s not in the area you live. Find out about registering … Continued

How to apply for a school place

How to apply for a school place: Any families returning to or moving to the UK should speak to the local authority (often referred to as the council) school admission team in their chosen areas for information on how to apply for a school place. Local authorities should support parents in choosing schools, which includes … Continued

How to apply for childcare

How to apply for childcare Childcare Choices is a useful website to explain parents’ options: For more information, parents can also speak to their local authority or go to Government funds early education entitlements (free hours of childcare) for parents of young children: All parents of 3- and 4-year-olds can access 15 free hours of … Continued

Looking for a Job

You Can access job seeking support through Harrogate Job Centre and Resurrected Bites work coach. North Yorkshire Council also have a designated employment team, you can contact Cus for further details on   Harrogate Job Centre: Harrogate JobCentre Plus and Jobs in Harrogate ( Resurrected Bites Work Coach:  

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